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IGNOU BAG 2nd Year solved Assignment 2024-25

Are you looking for high-quality IGNOU BAG 2nd Year solved Assignment 2024-25 in a downloadable PDF format? If so, you’ve come to the right place to Get free answers of IGNOU BAG 2nd Year solved Assignment 2024-25.Want better marks? Use our BAG solved assignments! To make your life a tad bit easier, we bring you IGNOU BAG assignments 2024-25.

IGNOU BAG 2nd Year solved Assignment 2024-25

Download link for IGNOU BAG  solved Assignment:

Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses (English)

BEGLA-137 Language Through Literature Download
BEGLA-138 Reading & Speaking Skills Download 
BANS-183 Tourism Anthropology Download
BANS-184 Public Health And Epidemiology Download
BCOS-183 Computer Application In Business Download 
BECS 184 Data Analysis Download
BEGS-183 Writing And Study Skills Download
BPAS-184 Logistics Management Download
BPCS-183 Emotional Intelligence Download 
BPCS-184 School Psychology Download
BSOS-184 Techniques Of Ethnographic Film Making Download

Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses (Hindi)

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BANS-184 सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य और
महामारी विज्ञान
BCOS-183 ब्यापार में कंप्यूटर का
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BECS-184 डेटा विश्लेषण
BPAS-184 संभारण प्रबंधन Download 
BPCS-183 सांवेगिक बुद्धि  
BPCS-184 विद्यालय मनोविज्ञान Download 
BSOS-184 नृवंशविज्ञान फिल्‍म बनाने
के तरीके
BHDS-183 अनुवादसिद्धांत और प्रविधि Download 
BHDS-184 रेडियो लेखन Download


BHDLA-137 संप्रेषण कौशल Download 
BHDLA-138 हिंदी साहित्यविविध विधाएँ Download 

Generic Elective Courses (English)

BEGG-173 Academic Writing And Composition Download 


BEGG-174 Creative Writing Download 
BPAG-173 E-Governance Download
BPAG-174 Sustainable Development Download 
BPCG-173 Psychology For Health And Wellbeing Download 
BPCG-174 Psychology And Media Download
BSOG-173 Rethinking Development Download

Generic Elective Courses (Hindi)

BHDG-173  समाचार पत्र और फीचर लेखन Download
BPAG-173 शासन Download
BPAG-174 सतत विकास Download 
BPCG-173 स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण के
लिए मनोविज्ञान
BPCG-174 मनोविज्ञान और मीडिया Download 
BSOG-173 विकास पुनर्चिंतन Download 
BHDG-175 Download


BSKG-173 आधार संस्कृत  Download


Anthropology: BAG Core Courses (English)

BANC-133 Fundamentals of Social and Cultural Anthropology Download 
BANC-134 Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthropology Download 

Anthropology: BAG Core Courses Hindi Medium

BANC-133 सामाजिक एवं सांस्कृतिक
 मानवविज्ञान के मूल तत्व
BANC-134 पुरातात्विक मानवविज्ञान
 के मूलतत्व

Economics: Discipline-Specific Courses(English)

BECC-133 Principles of Macroeconomics-I Download 
BECC-134 Principles of Macroeconomics-II Download 

Economics: Discipline-Specific Courses HINDI MEDIUM

BECC-133 समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत – I Download 
BECC-134 समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत – II Download 

English Discipline: BAG Core Courses(English)

BEGC-133 British Literature Download 
BEGC-134 Reading The Novel Download 


BEGE – 107 Understanding Drama

Hindi Discipline: BAG Courses

BHDC-133 आधुनिक हिन्दी कविता Download 
BHDC-134 हिंदी गद्य साहित्य Download jan & july 2024

 History: BAG Courses(English)

BHIC-133 History of India from c.1206 to 1707 Download 
BHIC-134 History of India from c. 1707 to 1950 Download


BHIC-133 भारत का इतिहासः C. 1206-1707 Download 
BHIC-134 भारत का इतिहासः 1705-1950 Download 

 Mathematics: BAG Courses (English)

BMTC-133 Real Analysis
BMTC-134 Algebra


BMTC-133 वास्तविक विष्लेषण
BMTC-134 बीजगणित

Political Science: BAG Courses (English)

BPSC-133 Comparative Government and Politics Download 
BPSC-134 Introduction to International Relations Download 


BPSC-133 तुलनात्मक सरकार और
BPSC-134 अर्न्तराष्ट्रीय संबंधों का परिचय Download 

 Psychology: BAG Courses (English)

BPCC-133 Psychological Disorders Download
BPCC-134 Statistical Methods and Psychological Research Download 


BPCC-133 मनोवैज्ञानिक विकार Download
BPCC-134 सांख्यिकी विधियाँ और
मनोवैज्ञानिक शोध

Sanskrit Discipline: BAG Courses

BSKC-133 संस्कृत नाटक  
BSKC-134 संस्कृत व्याकरण

Public Administration: BAG Courses(English)

BPAC-133 Administrative system at Union Level
BPAC-134 Administrative system at State and District Levels Download 

Hindi Medium

BPAC-133 केन्द्रीय स्तर पर प्रशासनिक
BPAC-134 राज्य एवं ज़िला स्तरों पर
प्रशासनिक प्रणाली

Sociology: BAG Courses(English)

BSOC-133 Sociological Theories Download 
BSOC-134 Methods of Sociological Enquiry Download 

Hindi Medium

BSOC-133 समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धांत Download 
BSOC-134 समाजशास्त्रीय जाँच के तरीके Download 

Urdu Discipline: BAG Courses


Philosophy: BAG Courses(English)

BPYC-133 Logic
BPYC-134 Western Philosophy : Modern


BPYC-134 पश्चिमी दर्शनआधुनिक


BESC-133 Curriculum, Teaching-Learning And Assessment Download 
BESC-134 Education as a Practice Download 


BESC-133 पाठ्यचर्याशिक्षणअधिगम
तथा आकलन
BESC-134 अभ्यास के रूप में शिक्षा Download 

Facing challenges with your IGNOU BAG 2nd Year solved Assignment 2024-25 year? You’re not alone. Many students find themselves in a similar position, feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to produce quality responses that meet the institution’s standards. But don’t fret; we have a solution that can simplify this process for you. Our dedicated team has put together ready-made answers for all IGNOU BAG 2nd Year solved Assignment 2024-25 making your assignment journey smoother.

Why Our IGNOU BAG 2nd Year solved Assignment 2024-25 is Your Best Choice:

  1. Crafted by Knowledgeable Experts: Our solutions have been developed by professionals who have a deep understanding of IGNOU’s academic structure. They’ve been through the same path you’re treading now and are well-acquainted with what the evaluators look for in an assignment.
  2. Top-notch Quality: We don’t compromise on the quality of our work. Every answer in our collection has been researched thoroughly, ensuring that you receive accurate and comprehensive solutions.
  3. Tailored to Your Needs: We recognize that every subject has its distinct challenges and requirements. Therefore, our assignments are not one-size-fits-all. They are specifically designed to cater to each subject’s unique demands.
  4. A Real Time-saver: The time you’d spend researching, cross-referencing, and writing can be saved. Our ready-to-use assignments provide immediate relief, allowing you to channel your energies towards other academic commitments or exam preparations.
  5. Affordable and Valuable: We understand that students often operate on a tight budget. Our assignment solutions are priced reasonably, ensuring that you receive great value without burning a hole in your pocket.

But beyond these tangible benefits, there’s a psychological advantage. Academic pressures can sometimes feel insurmountable. The looming deadline, the pile of reading materials, and the uncertainty about the quality of your work can be stressful. By choosing our IGNOU BAG Assignment, you are easing that burden. You can approach your academic year with a renewed sense of confidence, knowing that you have a reliable partner to assist you.

Buying assignments from external sources:

  1. Unverified content receives fewer marks.
  2. Deductions for numerous grammatical and spelling errors.
  3. Copy-pasting from IGNOU Study Material is discouraged.
  4. Handwritten assignments with poor organization and bad handwriting are marked down.

But beyond these tangible benefits, there’s a psychological advantage. Academic pressures can sometimes feel insurmountable. The looming deadline, the pile of reading materials, and the uncertainty about the quality of your work can be stressful. By choosing our IGNOU BAG Assignment, you are easing that burden. You can approach your academic year with a renewed sense of confidence, knowing that you have a reliable partner to assist you.

How to Purchase Our Solved Assignment?

  1. Select the course you’re enrolled in.
  2. Browse through the list of available assignments.
  3. Add the desired assignments to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  4. Once the payment is confirmed, you’ll receive the solved assignments in your order page & email.

When you buy Solved assignments from us, you’ll get them as PDF files sent by email once you’ve paid. Paying is easy too – you can use Paytm, Google Pay, or PhonePe. Got questions about payment? Call us at 7982987641.

A Friendly Reminder: While our assignment solutions are a fantastic resource, they should be used wisely. They are intended to complement, not replace, your study routine. Always prioritize understanding your course material

IGNOU Assignment Cover Page

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a reputable institution known for its distance learning courses. When submitting assignments, it’s crucial to adhere to their guidelines for presentation, as this not only ensures uniformity but also creates a good impression. The front page of the assignment is particularly important as it gives the initial impression to the evaluator. Here’s a basic structure to craft the perfect IGNOU assignment front page:

  1. Title of the Assignment: Ensure that the assignment’s title is clear, concise, and prominently placed at the center-top of the page.
  2. Course Code and Course Title: Mention the specific code and title of the course for which the assignment has been prepared.
  3. Assignment Code: Every assignment has a unique code. Make sure to specify this.
  4. Name of the Student: Clearly write your full name, ensuring no spelling mistakes.
  5. Enrollment Number: Your unique student enrollment number should be clearly mentioned.
  6. Address: Detail your complete postal address. This can be crucial if there’s any need for correspondence.
  7. Name of the Study Centre & its Code: Clearly state the name of the study center where you’re enrolled and its unique code.
  8. Date of Submission: Mention the date when you’re submitting the assignment. This can be crucial for adherence to deadlines.
  9. Signature: Some guidelines might require the student’s signature for authenticity.

Remember, presentation matters! Always ensure the text is neat, legible, and free from errors. Use a standard font, maintain uniformity, and provide ample spacing. This not only helps in making the front page look organized but also ensures that evaluators can easily access necessary details.

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